Friday, October 13, 2006

UQ St.Lucia: March of the Penguins Engineers

A while back, there was a minor international sensation caused by an environmental film titled "The March of the Penguins". It became a minor cause celebre, particularly among faux-Christians, who believed it demonstrated that God always dressed for dinner or something.

Well, penguins aren't the only Southern Hemisphere species that teeters on the edge of extinction, and struggles daily against incredible odds and over incredible distances in a climate that is incredibly hostile to life --inimical, even-- in an incredibly incredible life-affirming community-building long-distance trek incredible.

My Lords, Ladies, and Gentlediscouragement, I present to you:

The March of the Engineers

thanks to jgb!

"This is a story of love.
But not just ANY love.
The love of beer."

"Yet what might seem like a 5 minute walk to some,
To the engineer, the walk will seem to take

They must find alcohol soon,
Or else,
They will die."

That's my old uni, actually. It looks very small and built-up and claustrophobic on this video, but it's actually much more spacious and green in real life.
dunno when they turned the union common room into a pub tho -- used to be the Rec Club about 50 yards to the right of the door, with the balcony looking over the barbie area and the ovals and swimming pool to the river

oh, and the "Ree!" is a reference to The R.E.: The Royal Exchange pub, first and landmark boozer on your way into town, and the standard starting point for uni Pub Crawls


Anonymous Anonymous said...

They must have had some spare time on their hands to do this.

12:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was for the UQ Law Revue last year. Funny funny show that comes around every year around August. This was easily the highlight of last year.

1:36 AM  
Blogger Bros said...

This si quite possibly the funiest thing I have seen this week.

Gotta love an Engineer!

10:43 AM  
Anonymous Shopfitters Brisbane said...

Shop fitting cycle begins with a survey and measurement of available space and preparing design drawings for submission to the client.

7:49 PM  

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